1) ABSOLUTELY NO UNACCOMPANIED MINORS will be granted admission or allowed on property. All minors must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, and/or an adult 18 years of age or older with valid ID. Adult or Guardian must stay with their group if the kids are minors in the line but do not have to go into the haunt when it's their turn.
2) All patrons entering our que line/haunt will be subject to security wand and/or bag check.
3) Absolutely no weapons, concealed or otherwise, will be admitted onto our property. Leave all these items in your car.
4) If you are caught cutting line or letting people jump into line not from your immediate group that you arrived with, you will be immediately removed from line and your ticket will be forfeited.
5) There is ZERO tolerance for any fighting or arguing with staff.
6) Absolutely No Alcohol on premises.
These measures will be set in place to ensure our guests have the best possible time while visiting our establishment.